

2017 Uppsatser om Organizational behavior - Sida 1 av 135

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) och feedback : En metod för konflikthantering

En konsult vid företagshälsovården i Norrland använder sig av Organizational behavior Management (OBM) för att hantera konflikter. Konsulten beskriver metoden som ?att det är inte problemet som är problemet, utan det är lösningen som är problemet?. I OBM fokuseras inte på vad som har hänt eller vad anställda känner, utan på beteendet, d.v.s. det som de anställda gör och säger i en given situation.

Hur lär vi oss av misstag? - En undersökning av inlärningsprocessen i svensk hälso- och sjukvård

In scientific investigations on how organizations can learn from their mistakes the perspective is usually that of the social engineer; the object is to prevent human errors through modeling the system in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to explore the learning process from a different standpoint than those usually applied in organizational learning and error theory. By studying the learning process in Swedish health care I seek to discover how theoretical presumptions affect the outcome in terms of what we actually learn. The theoretical framework draws on two major discussions in contemporary political science; the question of structure and agency and the question of whether to focus on formal or informal structures when explaining Organizational behavior.The investigation shows that Swedish health care tend to understand human errors as a result of formal organizational structure. Such a view leads to insufficient explanations to why errors occur but is useful in producing preventative measures.

Organisationskultur : Ett kritiskt granskande genom modernism, symbolism och postmodernism

Organizational culture is subject of a great debate nowadays and there is especially three schools which affairs its nature of reality; modernism, symbolism and postmodernism. This thesis is built upon a case study about the organization Idé & KunskapsCentrum, which experience various cultural issues. Observations made during visits in the organization environment forms the ground on which discussions about different perspectives are made regarding organizational culture.The thesis describes and investigates the subject of organizational culture and its relationship to human behavior in organizations. Furthermore, I discuss and analyze organizational culture from the three different perspectives, in order to present a critical view on the subject for the reader.The thesis is based upon a case study about the organization Idé & KunskapsCentrum. A qualitative research method has been conducted with data collected especially from an ethnographic study, but also via semi-structured interviews.

Generell arbetsrelaterad identitet: En orsak till det frivilliga arbetsrelaterade beteendet?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om hög respektive låg Generell Arbetsrelaterad Identitet (AI) hade effekter på Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Totalt 147 personer inom offentlig sektor, fördelade över två organisationer, deltog i en enkätundersökning om identitet och frivilligt organisationsbeteende.Resultatet visade på signifikanta effekter för hög och låg AI på OCB, associerat med fyra av de fem deldimensionerna av OCB (altruism, samvetsgrannhet, hövlighet, och delaktighet). Försöksdeltagare med hög jämfört med låg AI skattade OCB högre (p < .01, ?2= .16). Generellt indikerar resultatet att organisationer potentiellt kan öka anställdas OCB genom att främja AI. .

Gör som jag menar : En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

Kulturellt implementeringsarbete : -En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationskultur inom ett svenskt bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Organizational culture has been described as a shared perception of reality and values ??within a group of individuals. Within the group's shared values ??about what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior and shared values ??make it easier for individuals to understand what is expected of them. If the desired culture from the management team is not consistent with the culture of the employees there might be a collision.

Det etiska ledarskapets roll i kampen mot korruption - En studie om antikorruptionsarbete i den svenska banksektorn

Despite Sweden's ranking as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, recent studies suggest that the prevalence of corruption in the private sector is growing, now approaching international levels. Over the past couple of years, Sweden has witnessed a growing number of scandals involving unethical behavior on the part of its corporate sector. Corruption has gained the attention of authorities, legislators and the public - putting the private sector under pressure to take action to prevent such corporate misconduct. As a result, companies increasingly prioritize strategies and policies aiming to prevent corruption. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of leadership in such preventive work.

Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

Självskadebeteende- två unga mäns berättelser

This essay is focused on the phenomena of self-injurious behavior of two young men. The purpose of the essay is to enlighten their experiences of their earlier self-injurious behavior, and to further enlighten which factors they believe have been contributed to the origin and the ending of the behavior. The research questions the essay raises are: Which factors has contributed to the origin of the self-injurious behavior? Which functions did the self-injurious behavior have for the young men? What made the two young men quit their self-injurious behavior? The essay is qualitative and do not imply to generalize the results and it is made from interviews with respondents and earlier research on self-injurious behavior. The results show that there are differences in the factors that origin of the self-injurious behavior between the respondents.

Påverkar personlighet graden av Organizational Citizenship Behavior?

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) kännetecknas av individuella beteenden som inte finns med i de formella arbetsuppgifterna men som främjar arbetsplatsen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om graden av OCB påverkas av personlighet och ett antal bakgrundsvariabler i en förändringskontext. I studien, som i huvudsak baserades på forskning av Organ med kollegor, undersöktes tre olika verksamhetsområden: Försäkringskassan, tandvården och detaljhandeln. Studien utformades med en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med tvärsnittsdesign, där insamlingen av data skedde m.h.a. en enkät.

Whiskey on the rocks - En stund av njutning i sällskap med Graham Allison

Denna uppsats lyfter ut Graham Allisons tre teorier från boken Essence of decision och applicerar dessa på U 137-krisen. Krisen inträffade 1981 då en sovjetisk ubåt gick på grund utanför Karlskrona. Var och en av de tre teorierna är ursprungligen gjorda för att förklara beslutsfattandet under Kubakrisen utifrån olika perspektiv. Uppsatsen prövar de tre teorierna på U 137-krisen och utser den teori som bäst förklarar utrikespolitiskt agerande under krisen. Huvuddelen av uppsatsen beskriver de tre teorierna Rational actor model, Organizational behavior samt Governmental Politics och applicerar dessa på U 137-krisen.

Alumninätverks fördelar och förutsättningar - en fallstudie om företags möjligheter att förvalta sina alumnirelationer

From a time where employees often remained at one company until retirement, globalization and changed employment patterns have created a more mobile labor market in the last years. In an effort to expand the connection between organization and employee a rising interest in corporate alumni networks has emerged. Previous research has shown that conditions for such networks are formed through employees social identification, perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship and can be shaped by company's HR practices.This paper aims to examine two case companies' perceived benefits through alumni relations as well as their HR prac-tices, in order to increase understanding surrounding the relationship between the two areas. Further the study intends to draw conclusions about the role of corporate alumni networks in the creation of the received benefits.The study indicates that HR practices, through the creation of an organizational citizenship behavior, can influence the conditions for beneficial alumni relations. Results show that some expected benefits of alumni relations can be re-ceived through strong citizenship.

Kärnan av beslut - En fallstudie över EU:s beslut att inleda inträdesförhandlingar med Turkiet

I denna uppsats analyseras de faktorer som ligger bakom beslutet att låta Turkiet inleda inträdesförhandlingar med EU. Dessa faktorer analyseras utifrån Allisons tre modeller: Rational Actor Model, Organizational behavior och Governmental Politics. Modellerna beskriver olika komponenter som låg till grund för beslutstagandet.I vår analys belyses först de statliga aktörerna och deras motiv för att ge Turkiet kandidatstatus och ett datum för eventuella förhandlingar, enligt Rational Actor Model. Därefter belyses de organisatoriska strukturerna bakom EU och dess inverkan på det faktiska inledandet av förhandlingarna enligt Organizational behavior. Slutligen nämns kortfattat Governmental Politics, som behandlar nyckelpersoner och förhandlingskonstellationer, eftersom modellen ej kunnat genomföras i sin helhet.Uppsatsen har som uppgift att tillämpa de olika modellernas styrka i den specifika fallstudien och utgör en ny syn inom europeisk integration..

Rörelse i rörelse: En studie av organisationskulturen på Friskis&Svettis Stockholm

The thesis aims at describing how culture is produced and reproduced at IF Friskis&Svettis Stockholm, a Swedish non-profit training association. The authors claim that organizational identity plays a major part in determining ways of action within the organization. Selection processes, programming and internal recruitment and sensemaking are essential issues of the cultural production and reproduction..

Smältdegel IKEA : En jämförelse mellan IKEA: s organisationskultur i Ümraniye och Örebro

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate in what aspects IKEA?s organizational culture in Ümraniye in Turkey differs alternatively resembles with IKEA?s organizational culture in Örebro in Sweden. The aim with organizational culture is to analyze the relationships between the leaders and co-workers and the relationships between the co-workers.The study is based on a combination of interviews and questionnaires. We have interviewed people in leading positions and made surveys among IKEA co-workers in two different stores located in two different countries. This combination of the methods gave us a better understanding for how the organizational culture is experienced from two different perspectives.

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